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Create A Powerful Network
With The Right Collaborations.


An 18-Point Vetting Process In One Book.

Forget the compliments and high energy meetings you've been having. Bottom line- you need to know if the person you are choosing to collaborate with is going to waste your time or sky rocket you business to the next level. This is the ultimate resource.


Strategic Business Partnerships Either Multiply Or Divide Your Efforts.

Over the years, Brandon Powell and his team and observed the most effective ways to add value to entrepreneurs. With over 18 years experience in public speaking, Brandon has noticed the groups or entities listed below best served. The topic on collaboration and strategic partnerships is a critical topic that all professionals deserve high quality tools.

For Profit/Non-Profit


Conferences &


Leadership &

Sales Teams

The Author's

6-time author and Business Therapist, Brandon Powell has spent the last 18 years learning hard lessons about entrepreneurship. One critical insight was about collaborating with other business owners. His goal is to provide workshops, training, and keynote presentations to professionals across the country about thorough process for selecting the right people to add to your ecosystem.



"...We realized during the conversation, that Tim would find opportunities to isolate Luther or use criticism to emotionally beat him down. In laymen’s terms, he was afraid of him outgrowing him, so he would find ways to belittle or undermine his own son’s progress. And in business that is an economic infection that only grows and spreads with time. They weren’t able to celebrate very many wins together because the partnership was built upon control, isolation, and manipulation." 


Beyond The Book: Our Approach

As an entrepreneur, you deserve the best tools for navigating the market. Our president, Brandon Powell brings the book to life with several topics we have found to be important to our clients. Below is just a sample of what Brandon can cover when you hire him for your next event. See below for booking instructions.

When To
Cut Ties

It is important to know when the collaboration is no longer valuable and how to exit.


We show you how to set and manage your expectations towards collaborations.

What Matters
Beyond  Skills

We show you how to decipher between highly skilled people and good character traits. 

How To Gauge

We provide the filtering process for gauging true value, balance, and return for your time.

Creating A

Healthy Ecosystem

We show you how to develop an ecosystem of highly skilled, mature, and resourceful people.

How To Find
Good Partners

We provide insights on how to identify a potentially good collaboration and environment.

Being Proactive
& Damage Control

We assist with identifying signs of poor collaboration behavior and how to navigate.


You Didn't Become An
Entrepreneur To Your Waste Time.

Sneak Preview | Table Of Contents

You will experience significant progress and clarity within the first 90 days for your company. So, why commit to 9 months? Because we teach out clients success is not measured by graduating from survival mode. We normalize excellence. Look at our 5 phases of development.


Chapter One: Do We Shine Well Together In A Room?

Chapter Two: How Do You Respond When I Make A Mistake?

Chapter Three: Do You Respond Gracefully When You Make A Mistake?

Chapter Four: How Do You Handle My Trophy Moments?

Chapter Five: How Do You Respond When We Win Together?

Chapter Six: Do You Take Credit For The Assist And The Shot Taken?

Chapter Seven: Do You Take Responsibility Or Shift Blame For Oversights?

Chapter Eight: How Do You Respond To Your Trophy Moments?

Chapter Nine: How Do You Treat Your Teammates And Associates?

Chapter Ten: How High Is Your Ceiling?

Chapter Eleven: Can You Stay Composed At Higher Altitudes?

Chapter Twelve: Have We Celebrated Any Wins Together?

Chapter Thirteen: Are You A Giver Or A Taker?

Chapter Fourteen: Does Your Bucket Have A Hole In It?

Chapter Fifteen: Can You Be A Leader And A Student?

Chapter Sixteen: Could I Leave My Wallet On The Table?

Chapter Seventeen: Have I Seen You Adapt And Demonstrate Agility?

Chapter Eighteen: How Well Do You Respond To Being Stretched?

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